Marketplace Sellers FAQ

Here are some key steps and details to help you get started with selling your items on By Billie Marketplace:


  1. How do I list an item for sale?

To list an item, log into our marketplace seller portal. Enter the order ID and the email associated with the item you want to sell, then follow the prompts to create your listing. If you don’t have the order details, you can simply sign up with your email address to access your order history. After filling in the required details for your listing, click 'Submit my listing for resale.' Your item will be reviewed within 48 hours, and once approved, it will go live. If there are any issues, you’ll receive an email outlining the steps to make adjustments before approval.

  1. Who sets the selling price?

You do! The price is entirely up to you.

  1. What is the listing review process?

Before your item is published, we review it to ensure:

  • Your photos are clear and accurately represent the item

  • Any flaws or details are accurately described

  • The item’s condition matches the images

  • The item is authentic

  1. Are there any fees for selling?

No fees! Your items are sold in exchange for By Billie online store credit.

(If you sell an item for $100, you get $100 in credit to spend on our website)

  1. When do I get paid, and how?

After the buyer receives the item and confirms it (either manually or automatically within 72 hours), you’ll receive an email with your gift card available immediately.


  1. How do I ship the item once sold?

You’ll get an email with a prepaid shipping label once the sale is confirmed. Print the label and ship your item within 7 days.


  1. Who covers the shipping cost?

The shipping cost will be halved between us and the buyer.